Parramatta North Public School

Quality teaching in a caring environment

Telephone02 9630 1768

CoVID-19 Update - Continuity of Learning 24 March 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

Parramatta North Public School is open and operational until further notice for those parents who must continue to send their children to school. The Premier has asked that all students remain at home during the COVID-19 pandemic except for students where families are working in essential services. This will assist society in limiting the spread of COVID-19.

Thank you to all parents and carers who are keeping their students home from today (Tuesday 24th March 2020).  We remain open for students who MUST learn at school due to parental working commitments with essential services.  All parents will still need to provide the school with an absent note (via the school app or an email sent to: You can list the reason as ‘premiers request’ or ‘learning from home’.  


A reminder that offline learning packages and instructions for accessing Google Classrooms / Microsoft Teams can be collected from the school Office tomorrow, Wednesday 25th March, between 8.00am and 4.00pm. Any packages not collected by Thursday 11am will be posted home.


From Wednesday 25th March, students will be able to access online learning via their Google Classroom or Microsoft Team. This is where grade specific content will be posted. Our first online lesson will be reading – log in to see Mr Wheatley and Mrs Rolls reading their favourite story to you.


Guidelines for Remote Learning

·       We ask that students touch base online each day – teachers will set up a daily check in thread

·       Teachers will be available to answer questions, support and say hello via Google Classrooms or Microsoft Teams between 9.30am and 3.30pm

·       Teachers will reply throughout the day, they may not be instant

·       Teachers will call home to speak to students during the week to connect and check in

·       If you have any questions you can email the office or and we will forward it on to the correct person

·       Read widely every day, be as active as you can and take time to relax and play!


The teachers are busy planning and creating remote learning tasks and fun ways for us all to stay connected! Thank you for your continued support.

K. Murdoch                                                                                          K. Young

Principal (rel)                                                                                       Assistant Principal